Volunteer today. Change a life forever.

Today, former MCREST guests, once homeless, are now living in their own homes, working, and leading fulfilling lives. But behind every success story is a caring volunteer—someone just like you. As a MCREST volunteer, you can give back to support our guests experiencing homelessness as they transition to self-reliance and housing.
This is your chance to make a change, to be the spark that inspires a transformation.
All new volunteers must apply in advance and pass a background check.
Volunteers can assist MCREST in the following areas:

Volunteers might be asked to clean windows, railings, and door handles; to vacuum; to sweep/mop the lobby; to refill toilet paper and paper towel dispensers; and other light duties. Cleaning would be during the day as needed (10 a.m. - 2 p.m.).

Open Week Kitchen Help
Volunteers are needed to assist during check-in for both the women & children (between 4-6 p.m.), the men (at 5 p.m.), as well as to prepare and serve the meal (at 6:30 p.m.). We also need volunteers to be present in the Children’s Playroom and Women’s Common Area following dinner to help our guests to retrieve toiletries and to assist the evening case manager. Open week kitchen help is from 4 to 8 p.m.

Packing Brunches
Volunteers are needed to pack the daily "brunches" (breakfast and lunch) for our guests! We pack 50 to 75 brunches per day from 10 a.m. to noon.
You can also help by contributing to our wish list!
We update our wish list on Amazon Wishlist every Wednesday.