Our Lady of Hope goes above and beyond in support of MCREST
April 1, 2022
Our Lady of Hope goes above and beyond in support of MCREST
Pat Dery always carries care packages in her car. She hands them out to people experiencing homelessness, or “anyone who could just use some hope,” she explained.
“That’s what we’re supposed to be doing—sharing of our earthly goods,” Dery said.
Dery has been living by that maxim as the MCREST coordinator for Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church, St. Clair Shores, for the past 33 years, nearly the 34 years that MCREST has been in existence. She was joined by others on her team, which includes members of St. Isaac Jogue’s Catholic Church, St. Clair Shores, who have been serving MCREST, for fifteen years, “at least,” she estimated.
Christina Naden, MCREST’s Volunteer Membership Liaison, praised Our Lady of Hope Catholic Church and Dery for “going above and beyond” during the church’s recent MCREST week, when a crew of about 12 to 15 people made breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the week for our guests experiencing homelessness.
They even drove the meals to the motel that houses the warming center during snowstorms on two afternoons, so the guests wouldn’t have to walk in freezing temperatures and snow to pick them up.
Metropolitan Baking Company, of Hamtramck, and Manzella’s Fruit Market, of St. Clair Shores, donated food and other items to Our Lady of Hope’s efforts to provide meals for our guests experiencing homelessness. Dery also thanked Our Lady of Hope Kitchen Coordinator Karen Mantyk and her husband Jerry.
Our Lady of Hope and St. Isaac Jogue’s took up collections for their MCREST week. Parishioners donated more than what was necessary to fund meals and bus tickets for the week, “the most we’ve ever collected for MCREST,” Dery commented. Our Lady of Hope and St. Isaac Jogue’s will donate additional funds to the women and children’s shelter, Dery explained.
“People are grateful for what they have, especially with COVID-19,” Dery said. “They’re willing to help.”