Our mission is to provide homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence.

Who Are We?

MCREST provides meals, lodging, life-skills training, and emergency shelter 365 days each year to individuals and families experiencing homelessness in Macomb County.
We've been returning families home for 35 years.

Our mission has always been to provide homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence. Our vision of a community is a place where men, women and children experiencing the trauma of homelessness find emergency solutions and housing resources.
We want to be the premier advocate for homeless and at-risk individuals and provide a point of entry to smooth the road and make that transition accessible.

Your financial support fortifies our organization, so we can serve as pillar holding up the most vulnerable people living in Macomb County.

Donate Items!
It's natural to feel reticent when a nonprofit asks for a donation -- we all feel strain on our pocketbooks. But there are SO many smaller, simpler ways that you can help the homeless of Macomb County without having to write a big check.
Blankets. Toothpaste. Bus tickets. We are making an effort to create recurring sources for the items that make up the stuff of life -- the essentials that we provide our guests daily and can run our budget dry.
You Should Get To Know Us.
We're on a mission to return families home.

What We Do Matters.
Our mission has always been to provide homeless and displaced individuals the opportunity for successful transition to independence. Our vision of a community is a place where men, women and children experiencing the trauma of homelessness find emergency solutions and housing resources.
More than
of those that we
serve are children.
More than
meals provided since 1988.
More than
nights of shelter provided since 1988.
More than
individuals taken in each year by MCREST.

Hear stories of struggle and resilience.

MCREST Offices

215 South Main St.
Mt. Clemens, MI
(586) 415-5101